WELCOME to DELOVESTORYBOOK face of the month interview with our winner.
De love story book group congratulates you
Please may I meet you?
Kenny Gud evening
Your name please
Kenny : My name is Bisiriyu kehinde
Why did you contest for the face of the month?
Kenny : I contest because have wanted to be a model and I know this group can take me there probably one day,thats truth about the love story book and I love it.
How do you see yourself fifteen years from now?
Kenny : Wow fifteen year from now? I will be seeing myself as one of d best model in Nigeria
And d love story book model
And d love story book model
Who is the most influential person in your life?
Kenny : God and my dad
If you are given a chance to make a wish,what would it be and why?
Kenny : I wish God can make me one of d trillionaire in this country
For me to be able to help d needy and take very good care of my family
Kenny : I wish God can make me one of d trillionaire in this country
For me to be able to help d needy and take very good care of my family
What do you like most about yourself?
My character and Everything about me.
What is your edge over the other candidates?
Kenny : Edge? As in?
Like your stand over the other candidates?
Kenny : I don't have stand over them we are all equal I win today doesn't mean they cant win tomorrow.
How would you describe your personality?
Kenny : Am a kind of person with self esteem, a large heart and I don't take no for an answer while at work and Am always positive.
How can you convince us that you deserve to be our face of the month?
I did not plan it but God made it that way.
Describe the essence of a woman to the society?
Good woman will make her society grow
Good woman will make her society grow
To you,what does success means?
Success means upliftment, joy and happiness.
What has been your greatest achievement?
the happiness I receive everyday of my life
What is your favorite body part?
my bombom
How will you make a difference been our face of the month for De Love Story Book?
I will make a different by put it in d next level
Are you in a relationship?
*If yes,What has been your gain in the relationship so far?*
*If yes,What has been your gain in the relationship so far?*
*If NO,Why?*
NO,because am tired of having heart break
If you weren't privileged to win this contest,what would be your reaction and what will you do?
I will be very happy and thanks all d people that voted for me for there support
Thanks a lot for the answers
if you have more question for our face of the month, you can do that by commenting on our comment box
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