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Tuesday, October 24, 2017


A lecture delivered by Ahmed shittu Esq
  At,DeLoveStoryBook ,LAGOS CONNECT
As water is very essential to human life; so is skill needed in the
life of every serious minded human being. Skills can do a lot of
great work in the life of every living soul. Lack of skills is a
major cause of corruption. The importance of skill acquisition.
includes self employment, diverse job opportunities,
employment generation, effective function, and crime reduction.

SELF EMPLOYMENT: A skill acquired man is a self-employed man.
The piece you are reading right now is written as a result of the
skill acquired by the writer. There are so many self-employed
writers today who do not border themselves of carrying files
from one office to another in search of job. Their duty is
freelance writing and they make great money from their writing.
In the same vein, many successful businessmen and woman
whose names are heard in many parts of the world are self-
employed. A self employed person can never go hungry
because the skill he acquired provides food for him on daily
basis. But one who lacks skill acquisition will find it difficult to
be self employed because he has nothing to offer.
Skills acquired by website designers are what they use on their
daily feeding instead of indulging in cyber-threat or online theft
which is also related to internet. In that case, they do not have
the time to answer ‘sir’ to anybody. They are self-employed due
to the technical skill they acquired sometime ago. They are
hired by many companies on daily basis because the skills they
acquired keep them going. Whenever they feel like staying in
their home and rest they do so without being questioned by any
higher authority. They are simply boss of their own.

DIVERSE JOB OPPORTUNITIES: Have you ever seen someone who
acquires many skills alone? Such person is classified as
someone who is up and doing. Those who have many skills
stand the chance of gain job from many establishments.
Frankly speaking, people who have many skills are being
searched by many companies. Company A, B, and C stand in a
queue fighting over one person. They are searched for because
they can do many functions due to the series of skills
This is similar to what happens in the world of football. Many
football clubs fight over star footballers in every football
season. In that case it is left for the footballer to select from
many opportunities that wait for him. Some football clubs like
to have star footballers like Christiano Ronaldo, Portugal;
Lionel Messi, Argentina; Rooney, England; and many others
because of the excellent football skills they possess. Some of
these footballers are accused of being Illuminati members but
what keep them going are their skills. A case like this has the
footballer to decide which club to play for. In that case, he is
not searching for job but job is searching for him; just imagine
the power of skill acquisition.

EMPLOYMENT GENERATION: Many governments are still finding it
difficult to provide jobs for the citizens because the citizens are
lacking important skills they need. There will be a lot of jobs
generated for the citizens of every country if the citizens are
well equipped with skills. This is why it is necessary for
government to organize skill acquisition programme for the
masses as this will go a long way in providing jobs for others.
Someone who is well equipped on electronics repair can train
his fellow citizens. When these citizens ‘mature’ in such field,
they start earning from the skill they acquired from their
master. This is how the newly trained in that field will train
other persons, and employment generation keeps on growing
in such circle. Likewise those who have good skills in
businesses, they make good money on their businesses and
generate employment for others by employing other to assist
him in his business.

EFFECTIVE FUNCTION: Organizations that employ skilful workers to
assist in their organizational duties lose
nothing at all because there will be always effective functions
performed by the employee. This is because the employee has
acquired necessary skills needed for him to perform the work
as desired by the organization. The knowledge he gained from
the training on that specific job makes him to do the
organization’s works as desired by the management of the
There is much difference between studying a particular course
in the university or college and going for training on that
course the person studied. Training on that course gives the
fellow an insight on how to pilot the function whenever he is
called. With skill acquisition combined with the education
attainted by a person, effective function is offered to the
company he works or is going to work with.

CRIME REDUCTION: Skill acquisition reduces the crime rate in
many nations. People begin to think on many dirty activities
they will do to make money when they do not have anything to
call job of their own. But, with acquired skill by an individual,
he works and makes money from his acquired skill. This will
make him to feel comfortable in life and do not disturb his or
herself life in any way.
Nations are advice to organize skill acquisition programmes for
her citizens to experience low crime practices by her citizens.
Instead of engaging in crime, the money acquired by the
citizens from empowerment through skill acquisition can be
used to promote peace in such nations. Also, the skill acquired
by the citizens who were indulging in crime before can be used
to convert those who are still partakers in such bad practice.
They can go after their old bad friends and teach them the new
skills they acquired thereby converting them to good.

A skilful man speaks with confidence while the none skilful is
filled with fear.This topic has done justice to the importance of
skill acquisition. The young, old, beautiful, handsome and the
ugly need skill acquisitions. This is an important tool for
achieving of success in life. The five principal importance of
skill acquisition as discussed under this topic are self
employment, diverse job opportunities, employment generation,
effective function, and crime reduction. These five cardinal
points are not the only importance of skill acquisition. If you
have friends whether learned or not, encourage them to go for
skills because good and lucrative skills acquired can make
ways where it seems there is no way.

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