who is a Soul-mate and life Partner - Love Story Book


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Thursday, October 12, 2017

who is a Soul-mate and life Partner

A life partner which can also be called a life companion is a romantic or otherwise very close friend for life.The partners can be of the same or opposite sex,married or unmarried & celibate,monogamous..

A soul mate is a person with whom one has a feeling of deep or natural affinity. This may involve similarity, love, romance, comfort, intimacy, sexuality, sexual activity, spirituality, or compatibility and trust.
1-A soul mate fulfills a lesson in your life
    A life partner has similar interest in your life
2-A soul mate have a deep connection through heart and consciousness
    A life partner arrives at a moment when there is self love
3-When you meet your soul mate you feel as if  you have known them forever
     Life Partners comes from different paths and backgrounds
4-Soul mate arrives at a specific time when something needs to find closure
     Relationship with life partner is so easy...it begins to work out at any point in time
Benefits of soul mate relationship
Soulmate relationships and marriages are so beneficial that going against them is no different that setting yourself up for failure. This is because your soulmate is a companion that a higher power has put on this earth with you in mind. Can you imagine the benefits of finding your soulmate? would majority of people believe they have soulmates out there if soulmates did not exist?
Benefits of life partner relationship

2....Sharing a life
3....True feeling of someone having your back
4....Through thick and thin
5.....Leaning on for support
6...Sharing finances and household responsibilities
you keep asking which one is important...
.is it a life partner or a soul mate?

It’s common to conflate the idea of a soul mate with that of a life partner—you might think they’re exactly the same thing, or that any difference between the two concepts is purely academic.
However, a life partner is someone trustworthy and dependable with whom you spend significant time, 
while a soulmate is a person who arrives in your life specifically to enrich it, encourage your development and push you to grow into a higher state of consciousness. Both are incredibly important!
The laws of attraction to find and keep your soulmate.
*Be positively clear about what you want in a mate.
*Continue to dream it.
*Fall in love with yourself.
*Say no to jealousy.
*Don't give up.
*Don't give in to doubt.
*Enjoy yourself now.
*Become the future you.

Can we have two soul mates
Infact we can have more than two
Soul Mates can have a beautiful relationship together, but it will take work. Soul Mate relationships may last a lifetime and others may only be for a particular purpose and be temporary. You can have more than one Soul Mate in a lifetime. ... Twin Flames are two people in two separate bodies that share the same Soul.

It is very possible that your soulmate can also be your life partner. And, it is also possible that the relationship with a life partner can become a profound soul connection. The biggest difference between a life partner and a soulmate is that one is a choice and the other one is not.

Lastly there are some qualities you need to look out for when you want a soul mate
Lastly these are some qualities you need to look out for when you want a soul mate
They add value to your life
They support your passions and decisions
They adore you
They can be completely silly without you
They are willing to compromise
They treat your family just as well
They value your opinions
They are trustworthy
They allow themselves to be vulnerable to you
They keep you in check without dictating
They allow you to be you
They are dependable
They are easy to be with
They can be held accountable
They love all of you
They bring out the best in you
They don't keep grudges
They have a life outside of the one you both have
They exhilarate you,not deplete you
Soul mate vs life partner
To be loved is an ideal which we all strive to achieve in our lives. This holds especially true on the official once-yearly day of love and adoration. But the person you choose to spend Valentine's Day with (not to mention, all the other days of the year!) can make a world of a difference.

The difference lies in whether that person is your soul mate, your heart's other half, or just a life partner, a person who lacks the components to make you a truly compatible couple. Wouldn't you like to find out who you're with? After all, there's no avoiding the inevitable question we each ask ourselves in a relationship: Is this the person I was bound by destiny to share my life with? Or did I settle too quickly into a relationship with a person who will never be my heart's other half?


I believe finding your soulmate is a once in a lifetime experience. You only get one soulmate. They are literally the other half of you. You only get one other half, you don't get five halves. Sometimes they can be your better half, but either way, together you are whole because both halves have been joined. When you find your soulmate you are literally fitting two halves together to make one whole. You feel a sense of finally being complete and finding your missing piece. Finding your soulmate can be both a blessing and a curse. It's a blessing if you meet and stay together, but a curse if you meet but the timing is wrong or other obstacles get in your way and you are forced to be apart. Once you feel that soulmate connection you are never the same again. It is a powerful invisible force that only you and your other half can feel. I feel it is almost better to never meet your soulmate at all then to have to meet them and then be forced to part because that can prove to be almost unbearable.

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