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Friday, October 6, 2017


You cannot change yesterday but you can do something today that can change tomorrow. It doesn't matter how you were born,that's yesterday, it doesn't matter what happened last ten years,but you can reposition it today,make new decision that will reposition you today, refuse to be mental unbalance,refuse to end your life on the side walk, all The time i normally say,i believe in your future, because i believe if you hear this word and act on them,they will change your future. None of you was born to be poor, you may be born poor,but not born to be poor, you may be brought up poor,but are nt born to be poor.
Understand this, the definition of ADULTHOOD is RESPONSIBILITY,when you  become adult, you become responsibility for your attitude and what you have in yourself. Some people cry for help and their is no  Answer for that they thought its due to neglect, that the world is not fair enough.. REFUSE TO GIVE UP. BELIEVE IN WHAT GOD MADE YOU. He never made a failure. God has a purpose  for your life. You might be Born a parental mistake/Accident but you are not a divine Accident. God knew you where coming and he made sufficient provision for you.
Their is a place for you in the world and am helping you find that place. There are certain things you must do for all we have discussed to be Work . there are things that are not in abundant supply and its "TIME"

SAVE TIME,SAVE IT, keep track of your time, therefore make your day count,there is no Extra time,improve yourself daily  introduce new thing to your life, choose to be success, become a success, distinguish yourself with character and excellence.

If you are musician, hair stylist, make up artist, Designer, bead maker,entrepreneur, do it with a difference. Become inspiring, do it with excellence, Put your best in all you do. Change the world. Know there is no Extra time. Therefore for what you do, do the best for the ist time. Success is waiting for a man who who plan for it, who reach out for it, who say i will wake and he wakes up, who say i will read certain book and he reads it.
Success awaits who is serious,so time is important, don't spend time  watching TV 24/7 a day or watch video 24/7 a day, those you are watching ,they put there best  into what you are watching. Change the position and say "I WILL BE WATCHED"
At times i wonder  those who are interested in designers perfume, designers, watch, designers bag, designers everything, where is your own Design?

Challenge yourself  for the FUTURE, there is  place for you at the top. Train yourself to see it that way, yield yourself to teaching. Train your self and and your mind. if you do it, it will deliver to you thoughts and idea that will gain you some commercial value.
There is a room for the Man who made an investment with his mind, be willing to Act,be conscious of this truth  there is no hunger for a man who bother  to train his mind to think through Every problem.

Train yourself, let Man comes to you for solution and answers to their problem. Desire to be smart and problem solver.
If you make that decision,you will become relevant. Problem solvers are in short supply in the world. There is a place for a man who choose to be one. Some are good in writing, where are your writing ? Maybe u are sleeping too much, maybe you are resting too much, maybe you are playing too much. Let the country read your writing be inspired and be relevant.

Written by
± Anselm Mobis c

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