Definition of food
FOOD is defined as any substance either in liquid or solid form taken into the body system to sustain life and promotes growth and development!
For human consumptions... We will talk of Food premises and Food Hygiene
Food premises means any place,, room either open or covered in which people engages in handling,,preparation,, cooking and serving of food intended for human consumption!
Food Hygiene can be described as all sanitary measures,,principles and procedures put in place to ensure that food is free form agents of contamination or disease germs in any form in order to promote healty living!
Objectives of food hygiene
Enforcement of the minimal standards of food hygiene regulations as they affect particular premises
Advice on standard which need to be achieved over nd above legal minimum standards on order to reduce the risk of food borne infection..
The provision of education in food hygiene for food trade employees(Health education and food handlers training)
Principles of Food Hygiene
Note:: Under this,,there are some explanations but will explain some because of our time.
Personal Hygiene
Wash hand bfr commencing work,,after using the toilet,,between different work and tasks especially after handling raw foods
Wear clean protective equipment including a suitable,,effective hair covering
Keep fingernails short
Do not cough or sneeze over food
Food storage
Keep food either hot,,I.e about 63°C,,or cold I.e below 10°C
Food stores must be adequately ventilated and kept at a temperature below 10°C
A good system of stock rotation must be operated through which the oldest stock is used first
Temperature control
In other to multiply ,,food poisoning organisms requires the following!
*The correct temperature
Cross contamination
Keep raw and cooked foods sepeeste at all times including in storage
As far as possible,,separate staffs should handle raw and cooked foods
Use separate surfaces,,utensils and other equipment for the preparation of raw and cooked food!
food regulated premises
Food regulated premises includes those premises where foods are prepared,,cooked,,preserved,,served and offered for sale for members of the public under laid rules and regulations for the safeguard of public health..
Examples are restaurants,,aerated water and juice factories,,bakeries,,confectioneries,, hotels and motels,,tin food products..
Note this principles is meant for those handling food for human consumptions!
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