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Tuesday, March 3, 2020


When it comes to the train of relationship and marriage, there are some words we hear people say over and over again. We have come to believe these things and a large percentage of what we've heard are myths or false talks. Let's look at some of these things we hear frequently from the mouths of different people.

Sweet sisters, that your ex lover boy cheated on you or you know a man that cheated on your friend, doesn't mean all men cheat. Faithful and God fearing men that are not just church goers but God lovers still exists and my husband and yours are part of them. Please don't join the bandwagon of those that confesses that all men cheat.
As you begin to embrace the mindset that all men cheats, when you finally get into a relationship or you get married you will always think that your man is cheating on you even when he's not because you've come to accept what people do say that all men cheats and this is very unhealthy for your relationship because you are inviting insecurity and lack of trust into your relationship.
See ehn what you believe becomes your reality so do away with the mindset that All men cheat because Not All Men Cheats.

2. Another common word in the train of marriage is  "MARRIAGE IS DIFFICULT" 
I have come to believe that marriage is not as hard as people paint it to be, they make it look like marriages don't last any more or marriage is really hard. Fine it's true that marriage is handwork but please marriage is not difficult. Don't buy the thought of others that you can never have a peaceful home and everyday you and your spouse must quarrel. That someone you know is having an unstable home or is facing difficulties in his or her marriage doesn't mean yours will be the same so please don't be scared of marriage or getting married.
Why don't you choose to confess what you want your own marriage to be like not what you've always heard people say marriage is. If you want a peaceful home, confess it, if you want a home full of love and joy, confess it and ensure you work towards making your confession work. Don't underestimate the power of confession, there's tremendous power in your words and as you speak forth what you want to see, make sure you and your partner work towards making it a reality.

3. Some guys do say "WOMEN CAN'T SUBMIT"
- Hey bro, who told you that women can't submit? That's a lie from the pit of hell. There are still virtuous women from the Proverbs 31 blood line.
Uncle, submissive women still exists. There are still submissive women on earth, women who understand and practice the Word of God.
God still has submissive daughters who'll submit to the leadership of their husbands in marriage.

4. I've heard some people say "SEX BEFORE MARRIAGE IS NOT POSSIBLE"
Hearing things like this is heartbreaking. The devil has so brainwashed the youths of this generation that they've embraced the lie of sex before marriage is not possible just to gratify their sexual pleasures. A lot of youths have joined the team of fornicators because they also believe that they can't abstain from sex and wait till when they are married to their partner. May the Lord help this generation. 

We are in a world that people see sex as fun and as a source of pleasure, it has now become the norms and if you are not joining the gang then they see you as on "spirikoko" person as they do say. Who did this to us?

The truth remains that God has not and will not change what He has said in His Word concerning fornication and sexual immorality so it's better you abstain from such ungodly acts. Biko, put your sexual urges under control, if you don't have sex you won't die.
Your body is the temple of God, it's the Tabernacle of God's presence so please treat it as such.
My brothers and sisters, sexual purity is 100% possible. As a matter of fact, purity is an act of worship to God, you must learn to glorify God with your body.

Let people say what they want to say because you can't stop them from talking, infact let them call you Mary the mother of Jesus, still maintain your stand on NO SEX BEFORE MARRIAGE. Sex was made for the confines of marriage not otherwise. Sex outside marriage has its implications as well.
Also, don't put yourself in a position where you'll end up compromising your stand on sexual purity. Don't do things you'll regret later, stay safe.
The list continues on and on but these are just a few common words we hear when it comes to the train of relationship/marriage.

Don't believe everything you hear, confirm it with the Word of God, anything you don't want to become your reality, don't join other people to say it.
Lastly, maintain your standards and values, never make unhealthy compromises.
If you have an ugly past or you're heartbroken, let go of it, move on and trust God for the gift of a lovely partner.
God is raising godly homes and heaven on earth marriages and yours will be part of it. Amen.

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