All you need to know about marriage - Love Story Book


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Tuesday, December 5, 2017

All you need to know about marriage

Marriage is no more what it used to be in the days of our parents. I don't need to be married before I speak, though not an authority yet but have gathered so much insights on the eternal partnership " marriage ".  Does it really end in beautification of Camry and jeeps with " About to wed, Already wedded, just wedded, ribbons and balloons, nor the ball wedding gown most brides resort to, or the yellow and blue decoration, the gigantic and tasty cake, purchase of diamond wedding rings, the flamboyant and expensive hall, nor the the sumptuous meal to be served in a buffet format, a pretentious way couples feed themselves on the reception stage, uploading of immeasurable number of splendid pictures of wedding memory, nor one week honeymoon in an exotic hotel, a stormed-out six round sex on the wedding night, among others. I tell you newly wedded couple, they are no yardstick to a happy home.  Even with all these, there is countless cases of divorce and marital disintegration. Marriage is the preordination of two unlike souls to become one and alike. It does not encourage enslavement, nor serfdom, nor cheating, nor self denial, nor engulfing of feelings and all that. There are so many virtues that add valour, flavour, and liquor to marriage, inclusively are prayers, respect, communication, fidelity, peace of mind, collective responsibility, altruism, love, among others.

Listen young groom, she is not your punching bag that you batter at every insignificant issue, though there are some occasions that will prompt such action, but coordinate your feelings and withhold your anger, remember the very day you raise your hand on her, that day you may begin to lose your respect and headship in her sight. Why shut her up when she tries to contribute her own quota, remember she is your wife not your slave, she has got the right to drop her own suggestions if need be though you may not digest all. Why remind her of her poor background by referring her dad in this case your father in-law as a poor washerman and her mum, your mother in-law as a dirty petty trader, remember without them, she wouldn't have surfaced let alone become your better half. Why make her feel displeased and unhappy in the act, you get urself satisfied and leave her halfway, in other words starving her from one of the sweets in marriage, remember when this continues, she may complain, and if nothing is done about it, she resorts to the available.  Why make her lose self consciousness and esteem because she came to your home, my dear, she is your wife and your queen so she should ever look beautiful in her little way, remember when she is looking good, the accolades go to you. God brought this woman to you to love her, support you, help you, carry the burden with you, bore you children, so reciprocate by treating her with meekness rather than sheer cruelty.

Young bride! You hardly prepare his meals and when you manage to do that, you serve it like you are giving out sacrifice to the gods of your land or the food will be tasteless, hope you have not forgotten so soon the saying that " the strength of a man lies in his stomach " ,  capture him with any delicious delicacy , don't allow him fall prey in the hands of mama Nkechi and her young daughter. Why nag at him at every slight, consistent nagging can push a man out, or bring him closer to his grave, please stop nagging, rather appreciate and pray for him. Why recount his weakness on bed, men hate it when you tell them they are not serviceable enough, if you know it better, teach him while in the act, I believe he will improve with time. Why compare him with Neighbours and his peers, men hate comparison. Be content and grateful with the one you have and hope it will get better. Then lastly, pray for ur man, remember he faces so many challenges out there just for you and your kids, remember a prayerful wife is a powerful wife, prayers  turns a house into a home and a home into a family.

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