by peace ukaoha
P- principle
U- understanding
R- Responsible
P- prayerful
O- outstanding
S- successor
E- enthusiasm
F- focus
U- unlimited
L- love...
P- principle
U- understanding
R- Responsible
P- prayerful
O- outstanding
S- successor
E- enthusiasm
F- focus
U- unlimited
L- love...
L- lift
I- imagination
F- faith
E- experience...
I- imagination
F- faith
E- experience...
Look at all the great men in the scripture, people like Joseph, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob Esther,etc and also in the secular; Bill gate, Oprah Winfrey and so on are all created for a purpose and they are all fulfilling their dreams, why not wake up from your sleep, change your friends, association, location, mentality, before it's too late, look inward, there's something special in you that nobody else has. For example a flower is made to beautify the environment. Chairs, tables are made for sitting as Torchlight,lamps are made in order for people to see when there is darkness, likewise man is designed/created by God in order to fulfill his purpose ( I.e worship him,explore their gifts, potential, talents, resources, and time for His kingdom and for the benefit of others ).
Life is a process,for a product to become a product it must go through a process before it becomes a product e.g don't evaluate me the way you see me today, I am in a process, you will see the real product tomorrow.....
P- passion
L- lesson
A- ability
C- career
E- experience
R- read
S- study
V- visualize
P- pray
S- study
V- visualize
P- pray
P- passing
O- over
O- opportunity
R- repeatedly
O- over
O- opportunity
R- repeatedly
The word " discover" means to find out,unveil, search out, while the word "Maximize" means to be fulfilled,to do exploit. On the other hand " potential " refers to your hidden talents, ability, treasure, gifts, untapped strength of an individual waiting to be discovered and developed to fulfill a purpose.
Purpose is the reason why a thing is made.
Potential is what someone needs to fulfill that purpose (I.e ability). So carry something inside,you carry great talents, gifts, potentials, all you need to do is to discover and maximize it.
Evaluate yourself by answering the following great minds questions.
1. Who am I?
2. Who are my friends?
3. How many transforming books have I read today, this week,month or year?
4. Do I have a mentor or a tormentor?
5. Who is ma role model
6. Do I know my talents, gifts or potentials?
If yes, am I maximizing them?
1. look inward, you need to meditate or think and ask yourself,what are those things you can do naturally, easily, without stress,with joy, passion that's indication of your talents, gifts or calling.
1. look inward, you need to meditate or think and ask yourself,what are those things you can do naturally, easily, without stress,with joy, passion that's indication of your talents, gifts or calling.
2. Look outward - that means look around you, what challenges are you willing to tackle in order to bring solution? That can also show you the path you should follow.
3. By reading motivational/inspirational books, magazines on potential discovery and maximization.
4. By attending seminars, workshops, trainings and conferences.
5. By getting a mentor.
You need a mentor (like what I tell people no matter how perfect you claim to be, you can never see your back; you need somebody that can see your back for you, and you also need the right association.
You need you need to read books: every great reader today ends up as a great leader tomorrow. Like someone said, "if you want to hide something from an African (a black man) hide it inside a book," because an average black man is very lazy when it comes to reading motivational, inspirational, and life transforming books or materials, but if it's to catch fun generally we can do that for the whole day without stress. But let me tell you, the greatest book in the whole world that can best unveil your potentials is the BIBLE ( best instruction before leaving earth ), a divine manual, instructor, guidiance to our dreams and fulfilling our purpose in life. So learn to buy books of life changing information. You need God (The Omni-potent) that is Omni means all in all,I am I am, while potent is from the word potential. So cannot discover or fulfill your goals, dreams, career, purpose and potential without God, the moulder and creator of your life, because he's the one that hold the manual and breath of your life. Some of us we are like a sleeping palmoil, the real oil will not come out until it's heated, you discovered that when it is heated all ions, atoms, molecules that are inside will start bouncing and colliding because there's heat around it.your life need a heat, force, catalyst, change agent, right association, mentor or a PUSH ( pray until something happen ) before it can move forward and be really fulfilled. Answer the following questions below,
- are you a thinker or a stinker?
- are you a change catalyst, agents of change?
- are you a distributor, contributor or a consumer?
- are you a reader or a sleeper?
- are you a studious student or stupid?
- are you a Pharisee or a Sadducees student?
- are you a boss or a leader?
- are you a mentor or a tormentor?
- are you a thinker or a stinker?
- are you a change catalyst, agents of change?
- are you a distributor, contributor or a consumer?
- are you a reader or a sleeper?
- are you a studious student or stupid?
- are you a Pharisee or a Sadducees student?
- are you a boss or a leader?
- are you a mentor or a tormentor?
G- gifts
I- ideas (identity)
A- abilities
N- nature (personality)
T- treasures/talent.
There is a sleeping GIANT in you, you need to wake it up now!!!
I- ideas (identity)
A- abilities
N- nature (personality)
T- treasures/talent.
There is a sleeping GIANT in you, you need to wake it up now!!!
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