Why did you stop dating your wife? - Love Story Book


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Saturday, February 29, 2020

Why did you stop dating your wife?

I have heard many women say that their husbands stopped being very nice, kind and romantic after they got married. He used to take them out, offer to help them with things, go the extra mile for them, buy them gifts, call and text them as often as every hour and so on. But he stopped being so "great" since they got married.

I have asked many men why they stopped doing the things that they used to do when they were "chasing" or dating their spouse pre-marriage. Someone said, “The responsibilities are too much, so I don’t have time for all those frivolities”. Someone else said, “I have married her so I don’t have to impress her anymore." This and many more are reasons some guys give.

The question I ask is, if you actually did those things to get her to love you, don’t you think keeping up with those things will maintain that love you once stirred up in her? If those love actions gave birth to her feelings for you, then it will take those love actions to sustain it. Your wife may love you but her feelings for you will change if you stop doing the things that brought those feelings on in the first place.

Many relationships lack love feelings because the actions that trigger love feelings are no longer expressed. Many couples have lost the fire in their relationships because they have become so busy with life or simply become complacent or used to their spouse. Until you understand that love is a committed decision to work hard every day to meet the needs of your spouse, you may miss out on the beauty of marriage.

Dear man, take time to take your spouse out on a date. Put some seriousness to it. Dress well and go have that dinner. Or better yet, have a quiet candle light dinner with scented roses spread around the house. Offer to help with chores or whatever else she might need help with. Chat with her when you're not together, like you used to do when you were dating. Remember how you were always calling and thinking about her when you were chasing her? How you asked if she had eaten, if she was smiling, how her day was going? You need to go back to doing those things if you have stopped.

She is the same person; she has not changed. You changed and that has dampened your relationship. Rekindle that fire! Love her through your actions, spend quality time with her, serenade and affirm her with sweet words, buy her gifts, serve her like your queen and let your touch convey the message that says you love her. Successful couples do not stop dating each other. Keep making her feel special and watch how she blossoms. The more you show her love, the more love you get from her.
Receive sense.

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