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Monday, September 25, 2017



compiled by MAYOWA


Respect is defined as a way to feel or show esteem or honor for someone or something. An example of respect is being quiet in a cathedral. An example of respect is truly listening to someone speak. An example of respect is walking around, rather than through, protected wilderness.

What does it mean to respect in a relationship?
Mutual respect is a very simple concept. It means that you treat your spouse or partner in a thoughtful and courteous way. It means that you avoid treating each other in rude and disrespectful ways, e.g., you do not engage in name calling, and do not insult or demean your spouse or partner.

Many of us now adays don’t think about how they sabotage their relationships by disrespecting themselves. Rather, they prefer to blame their partners for the way they are being treated and are resigned to feeling angry, hopeless, depressed and powerless. But they are not being honest with themselves and you aren’t either if this is you! Only you are responsible for your own actions, beliefs and feelings and believe me, we have an enormous amount of power in relationships to affect the way people respond to us. We teach people how to treat us by how we think about, feel about and behave towards ourselves. This article is the second in my series on “Losing Yourself in Relationship”

One way to really lose your individuality in relationship is by not disputing others misinformed beliefs about who you are, allowing them to define you and what you are capable of. We let their assumptions about us go unchecked usually because we have some fear that if we dispute what it is they are saying, they won’t want to be with us. Baloney! You do yourself a great disservice in the guise of not rocking the boat. If there isn’t room for the truth of who you really are in the relationship then you most likely don’t want to keep that relationship going. You want to be in the company of someone who wants to support your greatness, not someone who feels threatened by it. Be suspicious of any role the world seems to want to cast you in. That will always be about someone else’s needs and wants and not necessarily yours. Raise your eyes above the fray to a higher vision of who you really are.

Four forms and confusions of respect

PLEASE ADVICE ME SHOULD I TELL HIM?My brothers fiance is a prostitute

These are the ways of demanding respect in relationship

Challenge him(romantically)
A man loves a woman who he can have a friendly debate with. ...
Laugh at yourself. ...
Respect yourself. ...
Give respect. ...
Be honest. ...
Share your ambitions. ...
You teach him how to treat you. ...
Take Care of Yourself.

Calmly talk it out. ...
Take yourself seriously. ...
Give others the level of respect that you desire in return. ...
Set clear boundaries that are respectful of you, your time and your actions, and stick to them. ...
Stop overserving. ...
State your desires and expectations clearly and calmly. ...
Be assertive
And with this I will like to conclude my topic

With the easy ways to show gratitude and respect

Five easy ways to show your gratitude and respect

I know it sounds easy, but listening–truly listening–can be one of the hardest skills to master. If you want a person to know you respect him or her, then tune into what that person is saying.  Look them in the eye, put down your cell phone, and offer feedback when necessary.  Everyone appreciates the person who willing listens to them and shows genuine interest in what they have to say.


If you’ve ever had a bad day, then you know the power a little encouragement can have. We’ve all had moments when we need someone to tell us, “don’t worry, things will work out.” It might not seem like much at the time, but that person will remember that you took the time and interest in their feelings and well-being. A smile and uplifting word can truly brighten someone’s day.


If someone does a great job, let them know about it. In fact, let everyone know about it. Openly congratulate someone for a job well done, especially if you’re a manager.  Employees will work harder and happier knowing their manager has a mutual respect for them and is willing to express praise and gratitude when it’s deserved.


If you find a friend or coworker in a jam, be willing to help them if at possible. Not to say you should take on half their project, but offering some advice or throwing in a bit of your time will mean a lot. If that friend or coworker has helped you in the past, then returning the favor will be a nice way to show both your respect and gratitude.


I’m sure this one seems like common sense, but many people just forget to say thank you or at least forget how to say it with sincerity. A thank you can be as small as two words or as much as buying someone a gift; nevertheless, if the action is not done with 100% sincerity then it is wasted.  Make sure people know you appreciate them and their actions.  Simply saying it in front of someone else can make a big impact.

Four forms and confusions of respect


MORE COMING..........

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